Networks cities and networks of cooperation between intermediate cities, Established in 1951, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions originated from the conviction that local and regional authorities have a fundamental role to play in the realisation of the European Union. They provide popular support for Europe through the efforts of local politicians who are the elected representatives closest to the citizens., Eurocities is the association of European metropolitan cities. It currently represents 97 cities from 26 European countries and, through its thematic subnetworks, many more large, medium-sized and small cities in Europe. The network aims to improve the quality of life of the 80% of Europeans living in cities and urban areas by influencing the European agenda, and promoting the exchange of experience and best practice between city governments., The European network of medium-sized cities, The network was founded in 1991 (origanilly called Medium Sized Cities Network), the aim is to promote co-operation between European cities of between 50,000 and 250,000 inhabitants., Co-operation network of medium-sized European cities. This network was founded in 1995 on the initiative of the city of St. Poelten. The founding members were the cities of Innsbruck, Jena, Passau, Székesfehérvár, Ceské Budejovice, Trnava and Brno. It is an open system, and at present has 25 member cities from the Czech Republic, France, Italy, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Slovenia., Interlocal est un réseau d’échanges d’expériences réservé aux départements. En mars 2000 l’Assemblée des Départements de France a passé un accord de partenariat avecle Réseau idéal , association à l’origine du réseau, pour assurer conjointement le développement d’interlocal. Lancé il y a près de 10 ans, le réseau réunit aujourd’hui quarante-six départements adhérents., Huit villes Annecy, Bourg-en-Bresse, Chambéry, Grenoble, Lyon, Roanne, Saint-Etienne et Valence, ainsi que le Grand Lyon sont les acteurs de ce réseau fondé en 1992. Chaque ville membre est en charge d’une ou plusieurs thématiques. En matière de développement économique, par exemple, Lyon s’intéresse aux biotechnologies et au textile, Grenoble au numérique, Saint-Etienne à la mécanique. Par ailleurs, Annecy est chargée dela mixité sociale, Valence dela formation et de l’insertion, Bourg-en-Bresse du sport, Lyon du tourisme., RUR – Rete Urbana delle Rappresentanze (urban network of representatives) is an italian association committed in promoting and enhancing cities with particular regard to the themes related to urban management and the use of ICT (information & communication technologies) at local level. TRACE es una red de ciudades medianas europeas, representadas por sus gobiernos locales, que tienen como denominador común la transformación urbanística y social. TRACE proporciona una plataforma a sus ciudades miembros para intercambiar conocimiento, experiencias e ideas y desarrollar proyectos conjuntos, mediante un amplio abanico de actividades como por ejemplo seminarios especializados, visitas de estudio, conferencias internacionales, proyectos, acciones de lobby y una base de datos de buenas prácticas., La Fédération des Maires des Villes Moyennes est une association de maires créée en 1988. La FMVM compte aujourd’hui 129 villes adhérentes sur les 166 Villes Moyennes centres situées en France métropolitaine et dans les départements d’Outre-Mer. La FMVM est un organe de réflexion, de conseil et une force de proposition pour la défense et la reconnaissance des Villes Moyennes centres et de leurs structures intercommunales à fiscalité propre.
International organizations and institutions with projects on intermediate cities, Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) represents and defends the interests of local governments on the world stage, regardless of the size of the communities they serve. Headquartered in Barcelona, the organisation’s stated mission is: To be the united voice and world advocate of democratic local self-government, promoting its values, objectives and interests, through cooperation between local governments, and within the wider international community., The European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions was established by a Regulation of the Council of Ministers in1975. The aim of the Foundation shall be to contribute to the planning and establishment of better living and working conditions through action designed to increase and disseminate knowledge likely to assist this development. Identification and analysis of social practices of appropriation and transformation of urban spaces and their relation with the formulation of urban development public policies in the case of intermediate cities. The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT, is the United Nations agency for human settlements. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all., Architectural Institute of Japan, Research Committee on Urban Planning and Design, Local City sub committee. The purpose of this committee is to propose urban planning system for small and medium sized cities located in local region, considering their localities and identities, studying actual cases and comparing relating planning institutions with foreign countries.
Institutions, international organizations and government resources and local management This blog explores the economy, society, communities, people, businesses, organizations, infrastructure, civil society and government of cities — and the tensions and connections between them., Council of Euroepan Municipalities and Regions City Mayors is an international think tank for urban affairs, consisting of professionals working together to promote strong and prosperous cities as well as good local government. Established in 2003, City Mayors encourages city leaders from across the world to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to long-standing urban problems such as housing, transport, education and employment. City Mayors also debates ways to meet the latest environmental, technological, social and security challenges, which affect the well-being of citizens., European Regional Policy Website on Urban issues The site provides updates on European Commission initiatives on urban issues and information on urban regeneration programmes co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, Database on Good Practice in Urban Management and Sustainability. This database is designed to help local authorities to work towards sustainability by disseminating good practice and policy, facilitating the exchange of experience, and raising awareness about how cities and towns can be managed in more sustainable ways., ICLEI is the international environmental agency for local governments. ICLEI’s mission is to build and serve a worldwide movement of local governments to achieve tangible improvements in global environmental and sustainable development conditions through cumulative local actions., The International City/County Management Association (ICMA)-the professional and educational organization representing appointed managers and administrators in local governments throughout the world L’Assemblée des Communautés de France (AdCF) a accompagné depuis sa création, en 1989, l’essor de la coopération intercommunale tant en milieu urbain que rural. Elle rassemble, au 1er janvier 2010, plus de 1100 communautés de toutes catégories., Local Government information unit, The LGIU is an independent research and information organisation supported by over 150 councils and the local government trade unions. We work with our affiliate councils and unions to provide policy development and support, information, ideas and examples of best practice. We do this through policy briefings, the LGIU helpline, publications, training and development, networks, conferences and seminars., Municipal World is the oldest continuously published monthly municipal magazine in the world. Founded in 1891, the magazine is devoted to promoting effective municipal government. This site features important information about local government, details about Municipal World’s products and services, and links to other local government resources., The mission of the National League of Cities (NLC) is to strengthen and promote cities as centers of opportunity, leadership, and governance. NLC was established in 1924 by and for reform-minded state municipal leagues. NLC now represents 49 leagues, more than 1,700 member cities, and through the membership of the state municipal leagues, NLC represents more than 18,000 cities and towns of all sizes in total., European cities and regions networking for new transport solutions, Virtual Academy of Local Goverment Studies, stablished by the Department of Local Goverment Studies, University of Tampere (Finland), is designed to serve students, academics and professionals, interested in local goverment studies.
Websites of Interest
Networks cities and networks of cooperation between intermediate cities, Established in 1951, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions originated from the conviction that local and regional authorities have a fundamental role to play in the realisation of the European Union. They provide popular support for Europe through the efforts of local politicians who are the elected representatives closest to the citizens., Eurocities is the association of European metropolitan cities. It currently represents 97 cities from 26 European countries and, through its thematic subnetworks, many more large, medium-sized and small cities in Europe. The network aims to improve the quality of life of the 80% of Europeans living in cities and urban areas by influencing the European agenda, and promoting the exchange of experience and best practice between city governments., The European network of medium-sized cities, The network was founded in 1991 (origanilly called Medium Sized Cities Network), the aim is to promote co-operation between European cities of between 50,000 and 250,000 inhabitants., Co-operation network of medium-sized European cities. This network was founded in 1995 on the initiative of the city of St. Poelten. The founding members were the cities of Innsbruck, Jena, Passau, Székesfehérvár, Ceské Budejovice, Trnava and Brno. It is an open system, and at present has 25 member cities from the Czech Republic, France, Italy, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Slovenia., Interlocal est un réseau d’échanges d’expériences réservé aux départements. En mars 2000 l’Assemblée des Départements de France a passé un accord de partenariat avecle Réseau idéal , association à l’origine du réseau, pour assurer conjointement le développement d’interlocal. Lancé il y a près de 10 ans, le réseau réunit aujourd’hui quarante-six départements adhérents., Huit villes Annecy, Bourg-en-Bresse, Chambéry, Grenoble, Lyon, Roanne, Saint-Etienne et Valence, ainsi que le Grand Lyon sont les acteurs de ce réseau fondé en 1992. Chaque ville membre est en charge d’une ou plusieurs thématiques. En matière de développement économique, par exemple, Lyon s’intéresse aux biotechnologies et au textile, Grenoble au numérique, Saint-Etienne à la mécanique. Par ailleurs, Annecy est chargée dela mixité sociale, Valence dela formation et de l’insertion, Bourg-en-Bresse du sport, Lyon du tourisme., RUR – Rete Urbana delle Rappresentanze (urban network of representatives) is an italian association committed in promoting and enhancing cities with particular regard to the themes related to urban management and the use of ICT (information & communication technologies) at local level. TRACE es una red de ciudades medianas europeas, representadas por sus gobiernos locales, que tienen como denominador común la transformación urbanística y social. TRACE proporciona una plataforma a sus ciudades miembros para intercambiar conocimiento, experiencias e ideas y desarrollar proyectos conjuntos, mediante un amplio abanico de actividades como por ejemplo seminarios especializados, visitas de estudio, conferencias internacionales, proyectos, acciones de lobby y una base de datos de buenas prácticas., Alliance Villes emploi, La Fédération des Maires des Villes Moyennes est une association de maires créée en 1988. La FMVM compte aujourd’hui 129 villes adhérentes sur les 166 Villes Moyennes centres situées en France métropolitaine et dans les départements d’Outre-Mer. La FMVM est un organe de réflexion, de conseil et une force de proposition pour la défense et la reconnaissance des Villes Moyennes centres et de leurs structures intercommunales à fiscalité propre.
International organizations and institutions with projects on intermediate cities, Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) represents and defends the interests of local governments on the world stage, regardless of the size of the communities they serve. Headquartered in Barcelona, the organisation’s stated mission is: To be the united voice and world advocate of democratic local self-government, promoting its values, objectives and interests, through cooperation between local governments, and within the wider international community., The European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions was established by a Regulation of the Council of Ministers in1975. The aim of the Foundation shall be to contribute to the planning and establishment of better living and working conditions through action designed to increase and disseminate knowledge likely to assist this development. Identification and analysis of social practices of appropriation and transformation of urban spaces and their relation with the formulation of urban development public policies in the case of intermediate cities., Développement urbain et ressources en eau : petites et moyennes villes côtières. , MOST fase I MOST fase II The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT, is the United Nations agency for human settlements. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all., Architectural Institute of Japan, Research Committee on Urban Planning and Design, Local City sub committee. The purpose of this committee is to propose urban planning system for small and medium sized cities located in local region, considering their localities and identities, studying actual cases and comparing relating planning institutions with foreign countries.
Institutions, international organizations and government resources and local management This blog explores the economy, society, communities, people, businesses, organizations, infrastructure, civil society and government of cities — and the tensions and connections between them., Council of Euroepan Municipalities and Regions City Mayors is an international think tank for urban affairs, consisting of professionals working together to promote strong and prosperous cities as well as good local government. Established in 2003, City Mayors encourages city leaders from across the world to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to long-standing urban problems such as housing, transport, education and employment. City Mayors also debates ways to meet the latest environmental, technological, social and security challenges, which affect the well-being of citizens., European Regional Policy Website on Urban issues The site provides updates on European Commission initiatives on urban issues and information on urban regeneration programmes co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, Database on Good Practice in Urban Management and Sustainability. This database is designed to help local authorities to work towards sustainability by disseminating good practice and policy, facilitating the exchange of experience, and raising awareness about how cities and towns can be managed in more sustainable ways., Urbanet, Urban and regional database financed by BMZ., ICLEI is the international environmental agency for local governments. ICLEI’s mission is to build and serve a worldwide movement of local governments to achieve tangible improvements in global environmental and sustainable development conditions through cumulative local actions., The International City/County Management Association (ICMA)-the professional and educational organization representing appointed managers and administrators in local governments throughout the world L’Assemblée des Communautés de France (AdCF) a accompagné depuis sa création, en 1989, l’essor de la coopération intercommunale tant en milieu urbain que rural. Elle rassemble, au 1er janvier 2010, plus de 1100 communautés de toutes catégories., Local Government information unit, The LGIU is an independent research and information organisation supported by over 150 councils and the local government trade unions. We work with our affiliate councils and unions to provide policy development and support, information, ideas and examples of best practice. We do this through policy briefings, the LGIU helpline, publications, training and development, networks, conferences and seminars., Municipal World is the oldest continuously published monthly municipal magazine in the world. Founded in 1891, the magazine is devoted to promoting effective municipal government. This site features important information about local government, details about Municipal World’s products and services, and links to other local government resources., The mission of the National League of Cities (NLC) is to strengthen and promote cities as centers of opportunity, leadership, and governance. NLC was established in 1924 by and for reform-minded state municipal leagues. NLC now represents 49 leagues, more than 1,700 member cities, and through the membership of the state municipal leagues, NLC represents more than 18,000 cities and towns of all sizes in total., European cities and regions networking for new transport solutions, Virtual Academy of Local Goverment Studies, stablished by the Department of Local Goverment Studies, University of Tampere (Finland), is designed to serve students, academics and professionals, interested in local goverment studies.