Wednesday, 15 September
Creativity, economy and culture
Morning9:00 Conference inauguration 10:00 John R. Gold (Professor of geography, Oxford BrookesUniversity) and Margaret M. Gold (Professor of Art and Heritage Management London Metropolitan University) Commerce, transgression and urban culture: interrogating the experience of carnival 11: 00 Coffee break 11:30 Lluís Bonet (Lecturer in Economics, Universitat de Barcelona) Local competitiveness and governmental support: cross strategies
to boost creative industries 12:30 Nick Crosson (Director of Research, Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance) Politics and pragmatics: economic and populist arguments in cultural advocacy in U.S. cities
Afternoon 16: 00Montserrat Pareja (Lecturer in Economics, Universitat de Barcelona) Making creative cities in Europe: which factors play a key role? 17: 00 Pier Luigi Saco (Profesor of Economics, Instituto Universitatio di Architettura di Venezia) Local development based in culture: general framework and the case of Veneto region
Thursday, 16 September
What creativity for intermediate cities and territories?
9 : 00 Chris Gibbon(Consultant, BOP Consulting, Londres) The creative economy beyond the city centre: a British perspective 10 : 00Joan Ganau (Professor of geography, Universitat de Lleida) and Daniel Paül (Professor of geography, Universitat de Lleida) From culture to creativity: what opportunities are there for small and medium sized cities? 11: 00 Coffee break 11:30 Ralf Ebert (Director of STADTart, Lecturer in Town Planning Technische Univesität Dortmund) Creativity in city development: What makes the difference? 12:30Jean-Louis Bonnin (Cultural Advisor to the mayor of Nantes) Nantes: a creative city? Cultural clusters and the ‘quartier de la
création’ in the territorial economic development
16:00 Round Table: Creativity in intermediate cities. Case studies in Spain:
San Sebastian – Kepa Korta (director – coordinator of the San Sebastián Strategic Plan, Basque Country)
Olot – Anna Torrent (Culture Councillor, Olot City Council, Catalonia)
Burgos – Diego Fernández Malvido (Culture Councillor, Burgos City Council, Castile and Leon region)
Granollers – Josep Mayoral (Mayor of Granollers, Catalonia)
18:30 Ceremony to grant the 1st Joan Vilagrasa Urban Study Award to Professor Francesco Indovina, of the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia and of the Facoltà di Architettura di Alghero, followed by a conference given by him.
Friday, 17 September
Creativity and urban regeneration: a critical revision
9:30 Graeme Evans (Director of Cities Institute, London Metropolitan University) Creative Cities, Creative Spaces and Urban Policy 10: 30Francesco Gastaldi (Researcher in Town Planning, Instituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia) Large events and the process of urban regeneration in Genoa 11: 30 Coffee break 12: 00 Charles Landry (Founder de Comedia, Londres) The art of city making
Afternoon 16:00 Round table New perspectives for the creation of urban spaces Judith Albors (Arquitecturas colectivas) Lara Almárcegui (Visual Artist) Colectivo Basurama, cultural production Aurora López, Director of town planning 22@, Barcelona
Chair: Glòria Picazo (Director of Centre d’Art la Panera, Lleida
Final programme
10th Urban Studies Week 15-17 september 2010
Wednesday, 15 September
Creativity, economy and culture
Morning9:00 Conference inauguration
10:00 John R. Gold (Professor of geography, Oxford Brookes University) and Margaret M. Gold (Professor of Art and Heritage Management London Metropolitan University)
Commerce, transgression and urban culture: interrogating the experience of carnival
11: 00 Coffee break
11:30 Lluís Bonet (Lecturer in Economics, Universitat de Barcelona)
Local competitiveness and governmental support: cross strategies
to boost creative industries
12:30 Nick Crosson (Director of Research, Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance)
Politics and pragmatics: economic and populist arguments in cultural advocacy in U.S. cities
16: 00 Montserrat Pareja (Lecturer in Economics, Universitat de Barcelona)
Making creative cities in Europe: which factors play a key role?
17: 00 Pier Luigi Saco (Profesor of Economics, Instituto Universitatio di Architettura di Venezia)
Local development based in culture: general framework and the case of Veneto region
Thursday, 16 September
What creativity for intermediate cities and territories?
9 : 00 Chris Gibbon (Consultant, BOP Consulting, Londres)
The creative economy beyond the city centre: a British perspective
10 : 00 Joan Ganau (Professor of geography, Universitat de Lleida) and Daniel Paül (Professor of geography, Universitat de Lleida)
From culture to creativity: what opportunities are there for small and medium sized cities?
11: 00 Coffee break
11:30 Ralf Ebert (Director of STADTart, Lecturer in Town Planning Technische Univesität Dortmund)
Creativity in city development: What makes the difference?
12:30 Jean-Louis Bonnin (Cultural Advisor to the mayor of Nantes)
Nantes: a creative city? Cultural clusters and the ‘quartier de la
création’ in the territorial economic development
16:00 Round Table:
Creativity in intermediate cities. Case studies in Spain:
San Sebastian – Kepa Korta (director – coordinator of the San Sebastián Strategic Plan, Basque Country)
Olot – Anna Torrent (Culture Councillor, Olot City Council, Catalonia)
Burgos – Diego Fernández Malvido (Culture Councillor, Burgos City Council, Castile and Leon region)
Granollers – Josep Mayoral (Mayor of Granollers, Catalonia)
Chair: Félix Manito (Fundación Kreanta, Barcelona)
18:30 Ceremony to grant the 1st Joan Vilagrasa Urban Study Award to Professor Francesco Indovina, of the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia and of the Facoltà di Architettura di Alghero, followed by a conference given by him.
Friday, 17 September
Creativity and urban regeneration: a critical revision
9:30 Graeme Evans (Director of Cities Institute, London Metropolitan University)
Creative Cities, Creative Spaces and Urban Policy
10: 30 Francesco Gastaldi (Researcher in Town Planning, Instituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia)
Large events and the process of urban regeneration in Genoa
11: 30 Coffee break
12: 00 Charles Landry (Founder de Comedia, Londres)
The art of city making
16:00 Round table
New perspectives for the creation of urban spaces
Judith Albors (Arquitecturas colectivas)
Lara Almárcegui (Visual Artist)
Colectivo Basurama, cultural production
Aurora López, Director of town planning 22@, Barcelona
Chair: Glòria Picazo (Director of Centre d’Art la Panera, Lleida