Specific Objectives

Specific Objectives

A) Long term objectives: making a significant contribution to attaining the general objectives of integral, social, economic and cultural development.

  1. Generating a new world urbanization culture, with a technical and institutional base that is more open to cities having a greater relationship with their respective rural territories and helping to promote the integral social, economic and cultural development of neighbouring settlements.
  2. Reflecting upon the present and possible future role that Intermediate Cities play in the process of world urbanization, with respect to assuring an integral development of the regions of the world. Offering the use of this framework not only for questions relating to urbanism, such as construction, habitat and architecture, but going even further: opening a transversal field and initiating an intercultural dialogue between professionals from different cultures and cities with the ultimate aim of favouring a culture of dialogue to promote Peace.
  3. Reflecting on the potential of different types, sizes and functions of intermediate cities in order to develop policies favouring local scale autonomy and the decentralisation of states towards the local and territorial level. Also examining the potential role of local policies of proximity in an increasingly globalised world and looking at cities as support centres within a worldwide process of integral development.
  4. Favouring the transfer of knowledge between the countries of the north and south, in both directions. Encouraging the creation of a network of universities, local institutions and city professionals. Linking together the main initiatives studied, the proposals presented and, above all, all of the publications deriving from the themes investigated, with the Chair project.
  5. Participating in different training, research and exchange programmes involving the previously mentioned protagonists. Managing exchanges involving teachers, students and professionals. Also incorporating the citizens if the cities involved in the work of the Chair. Organising courses and seminars on the themes studied and the proposals derived from previously cited lines of research.
  6. Presenting all of the results from the different studies and the resulting proposals to international institutions whose functions include promoting and strengthening local levels of government: such institutions would include the UN’s HABITAT, the CGLU (Union of Cities and Local Governments), and other non-governmental organisations. Institutions, professional associations and the citizens of intermediate cities would also be included in this process.

B) Specific short term objectives: in the short term, we aim to achieve the following objectives which have a direct and coherent relationship with the previously stated long term proposals:

  1. Structuring an international network of support and collaboration between Universities, local institutions and city professionals, for questions relating to Intermediate Cities, urbanization and Development. Establishing a protocol for collaboration involving all of these different entities.
  2. Promoting the transfer of information and knowledge, and exchanges of technical instruments and good practices, between different cities and different countries of the world, with the aim of promoting a vocation for solidarity and a culture of peace.
  3. Organising an annual, international seminar as a framework within which to exchange ideas and opinions and to thereby help to attain the specific objectives of the Chair. Participating in several International Congresses in order to spread information about these projects and ideas.
  4. Updating and/or publishing the results of research work providing reflections upon the findings each year in digital format (INTERNET).
  5. One other specific task to be undertaken in this first stage of the project is the complementary activity that consists of creating a bibliographic archive, deposited in the different information centres, libraries, and laboratories,…etc. of the UdL, consisting of specialised references relating to intermediate cities.